This Internet course purchase and service contract (hereinafter referred to as “this contract”) refers to HOW OH hereinafter referred to as “HOW OH”, “we”, and “our”. The basic information of the company is detailed below. Members who are authorized to purchase online course services on this platform (hereinafter referred to as “you”) use the HOW OH domain website system, all HOW OH mobile device platforms (hereinafter collectively referred to as this platform), through Internet connection or offline mobile device platform Teaching, assessment or other related services (hereinafter referred to as “the service”). In this regard, regarding the rights and obligations of this service, both parties agree to stipulate in this contract.

Article 1: Contract Review Period And Basic Information Of The Party

1. You have reviewed all the terms and conditions of this contract for more than three days.

2. You, that is, the person who has successfully contracted with HOW OH (hereinafter referred to as the “member”) on this platform through the following procedures. Personal information and the list of purchased courses are listed on your member profile page.

3. HOW OH (Haifuna Enterprise Co., Ltd.)

CEO: Sung Yeh Wu
Contact number: 04-23168399
Customer Service Email: [email protected]
Business number: 90643378

Article 2: The Content Of This Service

This service includes the following items:

1.Website that provides this service: and
2.Intended audience for the provision of this service: Unlimited
3.Content of this service: Depends on the content of the course purchased by the member (see your purchase for details and course description).
4. The number of courses provided by HOW OH for this service and the number of free courses are based on the list of purchased courses on your membership page.

Article 3: Equipment Specifications

In order to create a great user experience for you to use this service, you should have the recommendations on the individual course page and the following basic specifications of hardware and software equipment. If your equipment temporarily cannot meet the aforementioned basic specifications and requirements, you understand that you may not be able to use this service or the quality of this service may be affected :

1. Operating system : Windows 10 or higher, Mac OS 10.13
2. Mobile phone :iOS 13 or higher, Android 8 or higher
3. Browser: Chrome 75 or higher, Firefox 68 or higher
4. Internet speed optical fiber network: 2M
5. Mobile Internet:4G

You should apply to lease from a legally operated telecommunications company by yourself. The rights and obligations will be stipulated in the contract between you and the telecommunications company.

Article 4: Establishments Of The Contract

1. You apply for the purchase of this service through the Internet, and confirm the “Agree” button on the webpage designated by HOW OH.

After confirming that you agree to apply for the purchase of this service and agree to use electronic documents as the means of representation, this contract will become effective, and you will be notified by the website system of the content of the electronic documents for retention.

2. Except for the situation in the preceding paragraph, this contract is established after both parties sign or seal this contract.

Article 5: Legal Representative/Guardian

1. If you are a person with limited capacity, this contract shall be agreed by your legal representative/guardian before this contract becomes effective. If you are an incapable person, this contract shall be made by your legal representative.

2. In case of violation of the agreement in the preceding paragraph, this contract is not effective except in the case of Article 83 of the Civil Law, and HOW OH shall not require your legal representative to bear the contract obligations or compensation liability.

3. Before entering into the terms of this contract, a person with restricted capacity shall take the initiative to inform his/her restricted capacity.

Article 6: Service Period And Course Delivery

1. HOW OH authorizes you to use the service period, frequency or right according to the following agreement:

(1) You receive the login account, serial number or password required to use this service provided by HOW OH, Starting from the next day, it will be used for a period of __________.
(2) You can use this service excluding the number of times and each time during the above-mentioned period.

◼Pre-recorded course:
The viewing period is the designated time on the course page of the relevant course.

◼Online live courses:

Live courses will be hosted at the video conference link at the specified time on the HOW OH course page.


(1) When the course or the created content is pre-recorded (including but not limited to pictures, text, video, sound, etc., hereinafter referred to as “content”) in a purchased and available state, it is deemed as the course (content) has been delivered.
(2) When a course or the created content is a live course, once it has been purchased and the meeting has started, it is deemed that the course (content) has been delivered.

3) In addition, after you legally purchase the courses (contents) provided by this platform in accordance with this contract, HOW OH will continue to provide the services of this platform until the specified effective time of the course given no violating and breaking this contract or relevant laws and regulations.

Article 7: Fee

1. The amount of the fee is as stated in the list of purchased courses.

2. You have the option to purchase add-on goods, courses/created content, or services with the special discount price provided by HOW OH.

3. For the add-on courses/created content or services that you purchase at a discounted price, the provisions of Article 16 shall apply when the contract is terminated.

4. Any course, product, or service given by HOW OH in the name of “gift” or “giveaway” when this contract is established, will not be asked to be returned or be refunded when this contract is terminated.

5. For the “gift” or “giveaway” in the preceding paragraph, the upper limit of its value is half of the value of the course or service.

Article 8: Payment Methods

1. Both parties agree that the payment method of the authorized use fee for this service is that described on the individual course page you purchased.

2. The platform provides the following payment methods:
(1) Credit card payment:
If you choose credit card payment, you should fill in the real credit card information. If there is any untruth in the credit card information, or you use other people’s credit cards without the cardholder’s permission, HOW OH may temporarily or permanently terminate your membership, and refuse you to choose to use any part or all of the content and services, etc. If you do engage in illegal acts, HOW OH will cooperate with judicial and police investigations and provide relevant information, and HOW OH reserves the right to pursue relevant responsibilities against you in accordance with the law.

  • (a) You should promise to use the credit card that you own or that the user has authorized for payment. You are responsible  for payment of all transactions made in your name and account.
  • (b) If you choose to pay by credit card, and the location of the bank used for this service is different from the country of your card issuer, there may be charges related to international transaction service fees or cross-border transaction fees. Your card-issuing bank may pass this fee on to you, and you should bear the fee yourself, and please contact the relevant card-issuing bank to inquire about overseas transaction fees.
  • (c) In the event of credit card fraud or unauthorized use of your credit card by a third party, you should immediately contact your account holding bank or card issuing bank when you become aware of the unauthorized use. If you suspect that anyone has made unauthorized or fraudulent reservations through this service, please notify us immediately through HOW OH’s customer service mailbox.

(2) ATM machine, Four major supermarket codes/barcodes

  • (a) If the user chooses the payment method of financial institution transfer, remittance or ATM transfer, the user should complete the payment within the payment deadline according to the payment account provided on this website.
  • (b) The user shall bear any handling fee incurred by the use of financial institution transfer, remittance or ATM transfer payment methods.
  • (c) The user agrees that all payments made through this website do not need to be signed in writing. The user shall not claim to cancel, terminate the contract or refuse to pay after the seven-day free cancellation/cancellation period without written signature.

3. The cash flow service used in this service is a third-party service. If you use the cash flow service, it means that you have agreed to the relevant terms and regulations of the third-party cash flow service platform. HOW OH does not assume any responsibility for the performance, security and service quality of third-party cash flow services.

Article 9: Principles Of Authorized Use

1. If you have any of the following circumstances, you are solely responsible for all
legal liabilities. HOW OH may notify you to terminate this contract immediately when discover the following circumstances, and you must not refuse:

(1) You deliberately distribute computer programs that interfere with the normal operation of the system on this platform, or make modifications to the platform, including but not limited to modification, remake, restoration engineering of any function, program, reverse assembly translation, or any attempt to obtain source code or content etc.

(2) You spread propaganda on this platform with text, pictures or images that threaten, defame, infringe on the privacy of others, pornography or other violations of compulsory or prohibition regulations, public order and good customs.

(3) If you use this platform to engage in other illegal acts or violations of this contract, the circumstances are serious, and you have been notified by HOW OH to make corrections within 3 days and you have not corrected or cannot be corrected by the expiration date, HOW OH may notify you to terminate this contract immediately. You must not refuse.

2. In the circumstances in preceding paragraph, HOW OH has the right to interpret,
determine and immediately remove any of the foregoing content and take corresponding actions, including but not limited to suspending all or part of your use of the service, removing the content or keeping relevant records, etc.

3. If HOW OH terminates this contract in accordance with Clause 1 of this article, the provisions of Article 16 shall apply.

Article 10: Your Obligations

1. You are obligated to pay the fee incurred by using this service.

2. You have to keep your member account and personal password properly and safely to avoid being obtained by any third party.

3. When you use this service, you are obliged to abide by the terms o of authorized use listed in this contract.

4. If your personal data used to register in accordance with this contract is incorrect or has been changed, you should notify HOW OH as soon as possible for correction. If your rights are damaged due to your failure to notify us, you will be solely responsible for all the damage.

5. You should provide and continue to maintain the authenticity and integrity of all personal data used to sign-up HOW OH account. All personal data are considered essential elements for registration. If the personal data provided when creating the account is false or incomplete, circumstances shall be regarded as a violation of this contract.

6. You shall be responsible for all activities and behaviors performed by the member account after logging into the system, including but not limited to related fees.

7. You are not allowed to reproduce, publicly transmit, resell, publicly broadcast, share, download or use this service in any way other than this platform.

8. This platform only provides a third-party network platform service and only provides information publication. In view of the nature of the Internet, this platform cannot screen and authenticate the content of the information published by members, regardless of whether it is publicly posted or privately transmitted. Please find out beforehand by both parties to the transaction. If any party violates the laws and regulations, the actor shall bear all the responsibilities independently, and HOW OH shall not be responsible for any disputes and undesirable results arising from violation of the law.

9. This platform does not bear any expressed or implied guarantee and /or responsibility for each service. This platform does not guarantee the stability, safety, error-free, and uninterrupted services of various services. You understand and agree to bear all risks and any damages that may occur when using this service.

10. You shall not do any malicious damage to the reputation of HOW OH during the validity period of this contract and after its termination.

Article 11: Illegal Use Of Account And Password

1. The act of using your member account and personal password to log in to this platform is presumed to be your act. You should be responsible for all activities and behaviors performed after logging in to the system with your member account, including but not limited to related fee and expenses.

2. If you find that your member account or personal password has been compromised, illegally or improperly used by a third party, you should notify HOWOH immediately. After you confirm that there has been illegal or improper use by a third party, we will immediately suspend the use of the member account or personal password, and accept your replacement of the member account or personal password.

Article 12: Service Quality

1. HOW OH shall provide services with reasonable expectations of security, and shall ensure that its system equipment is free from errors, screen pauses, delays, interruptions or inability to connect.

2. If damage mentioned in the preceding paragraph is caused by reasons attributable to the platform, it shall be immediately corrected or repaired within 48 hours.

3.You understand that the course, teaching, content creation, publications or product-related publication services on the HOW OH platform are solely the responsibility of the information provider and content creator. If there is any inaccuracy or guarantee responsibility, it has nothing to do with this platform and HOW OH.

HOW OH strives to require the accuracy of the content or teaching materials provided by the content creators. After you notify that there may be errors in the content of the courses or teaching materials, we will assist you to preliminarily confirm the content with the content creators within 3 days (starting from the date of notification).

4. When you use this service, if a serious system abnormality or teaching content or teaching material error occurs, and you have notified HOW OH immediately to repair or correct it for more than three times, and HOW OH has not repair or correct in accordance with the regulations, you may notify HOW OH to terminate this contract. HOW OH shall not refuse.

5. When you use this service, if there is a teaching content error, website system screen suspension, interruption, inability to connect or other service quality defects due to reasons attributable to a third party cooperating with HOW OH, , HOW OH will immediately correct or repair it.

6. HOW OH does not guarantee the following:
(1). This service will meet your specific requirements.
(2). Any products, services, information, contents or other courses purchased or obtained at HOW OH will meet your expectations. You should consider whether to use this service at your own risk.

Article 13: Suspension Of Service

In the following circumstances, this service will suspend or terminate part or all of this service, and will not be liable for any direct or indirect damage to the user:

1. This service does not guarantee the suspension or interruption of the service due to natural disasters or other force majeure.

2. Circumstances where the telecommunications company suspends the service or fails to provide the service normally, causing instantaneous disconnection, connection delay, or interruption.

3. HOW OH may suspend part of all of this service when the software and hardware equipment related to this service is damaged due to unavoidable reasons such as relocation, replacement, upgrade, maintenance or repair necessary for operation.

4. If HOW OH suspends part or all of this service due to the reasons mentioned in the preceding paragraph, an announcement shall be made on the homepage of HOW OH’s website 7 days prior to the suspension of this service. However, this does not apply to anything that is temporary, urgent or not attributable to this service.

Article 14: Change Of Contract

(1) When HOW OH revises this contract, it should be announced on this platform.

(2) If you have not expressed objection and continue to use this service, HOW OH will continue to provide the service in accordance with the content after the contract change.

(3) If you do not agree with the change in (1), you can claim to terminate the contract with HOW OH within 30 days after the change announcement.

Article 15: Termination Of Contract And Refund

In accordance with the “Guidelines for the application of reasonable exceptions to the right to terminate communications transactions” announced by the Executive Yuan, the HOW OH online digital course is not applicable to the free return within seven-day policy. Therefore, no refunds will be accepted, nor can it be changed to other courses, products or service. It is recommended that you understand and confirm the content in detail before purchasing an online digital course, or watch the preview video or free course unit before making a subscription purchase. If the course you purchase is a subscription system, the contract will be terminated when the period of use expires or the time is used up.

Article 16: Right Of Appeal

For this service provided by HOW OH, you can submit an appeal to HOW OH by emailing or in writing. HOW OH shall properly handle it within 15 days of receiving your appeal.

Article 17: Compensation For Damages

If any of the following circumstances incurred to the websites, platforms, representatives and management, employees, trustees, agents and contractors or cooperating third parties operated by HOW OH, and they cause various claims, request, suffer, losses, liability, damages or expenditures (including but not limited to the attorney’s fees incurred in civil, criminal and administrative procedures), you shall bear all the liability and cover the costs.

1. You violate any of the provisions of this contract or violate relevant laws and regulations.
2. You infringe any rights of third parties when you use this platform.
3. The content you post or submit infringes any rights of a third party.

Article 18: Others

1. The company does not guarantee the following:
(1) This service, the courses, products, and content provided on this platform will meet your specific requirements.
(2) Any service, information or course content and products purchased or obtained will meet your expectations. Consider carefully whether to use this service and use it at your own risk.
(3) HOWOH will issue and send an electronic invoice to you after you purchase the course.
(4) In accordance with the tax law of the Republic of China, if you purchase courses outside of Taiwan, you will be exempted from giving an invoice.

2. All subscriptions and transactions of this service are between you and the content creator. For any disputes between content creators and consumers, as well as any disputes between platform members and other third parties, this service does not and has no obligation to bear the responsibility.

3. Any data breach, loss, theft, or tampering caused by hacker attacks, computer virus intrusion or attack, temporary shutdown caused by government control, and other force majeure that affects normal operation of the network has nothing to do with this service and HOWOH will not be responsible for any loss or damages.

4. HOWOH is not related or responsible for any legal disputes of consequences resulting from any personal data breach caused by third-party services such as websites linked to HOWOH’s website or and online payment and online cash-flow services.

Article 19 Governing Law And Jurisdiction

The interpretation and application of this contract shall be based on the traditional Chinese version and the laws of the Republic of China. For all disputes arising from this contract, both parties agree that the Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the court of first instance jurisdiction, but Article 47 of the Consumer Protection Law or Article 436-9 of the Civil Procedure Law , Application of the court of jurisdiction for small claims, shall not be excluded.

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